Virtual reality experiences don't need to be large-scale community-wide affairs or methods for gamers to interact more deeply with their favorite IPs. Outside of Web3 We've seen the concept of making use of VR to design immersive experiences for the users.
Let's look at how this idea is presented within popular culture. In the first few minutes of the 2016 film Captain America: Civil War the viewers were treated to another innovative technological advancement from the fictional the futurist Tony Stark: BARF.
The film demonstrates how technology was able to allow its users to relive their past experiences in stunning details. Of course, in this package is the painful possibility that users can communicate with loved ones for a long time after their death.
How close are we to achieving this amazing technology? Much closer than you think. It may even help users cope with grief and loss like Stark stated in her film of the same name in 2016. In the year 2020, a tale became viral about the story of a South Korean mother gaining the opportunity to communicate with her daughter who died in one final conversation via virtual reality. With the imminent announcement of Reflect the game specifically designed for Mirror Image One, a game developed specifically for Mirror Image One -- said to be being a "next-gen cloud-based Web3 gaming console" available with every gaming purchase -- you may have this technology available to a tiny portion of the general public in the near future.
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Your memory is being built
It is believed that Reflect will let users replay specific moments from their lives within the metaverse. It will cost money obviously -- and it's unlikely to cost a lot. Beginning at 1 ETH or just a bit more than $1,600 at the time of writing, users can get one of their most memorable moments recorded onto the blockchain, which allows users to revisit the events of their lives in the game. Prices vary based on the date of the data. However, converting memories into NFT in the standard rate of 1ETH allows users to create memories from 2010. Prices rise by 1 ETH for every decade that passes the memory's lifespan and the Reflect team giving users the option of minting "any" memory for just 4 ETH.
What is the process involved in creating memories? It's not going to be an instantaneous, magic process. The process of transforming each memory into an experience that is metaverse-like will require lots of effort from both the user's as well as the developer's side. When they purchase the rights to make one of their memories users will need to collaborate with Mirror Image Studios' Reflect Mirror Image Studios team Mirror Image Studios in an advisory capacity in order to make their memories come to virtual reality.
It starts by submitting relevant material that will aid in putting the memories together. This includes videos, photos or sound recordings. They should also submit a detailed description of the memory that is at least 300 characters. In addition, the user should also make arrangements an appointment with Reflect team for more detailed discussions of the memory. All of this is required in order for teams to construct an accurate and accurate representation of the memory of the player into the game.
Metaverses of memory
Beyond that There is a lack of information on the Reflect website regarding the way Mirror Image Studios plans to take on the task of creating minting memories. It is also unclear how these small pieces of the metaverse would look as, other than the game worlds are expected to be created with Epic Games' Unreal Engine 5. What will users be required to create with these private fragments of the metaverse when they are they are completed?
Experience these scenarios for a start. Similar to the game Life Is Strange Reflect Reflect team is hoping to offer users the ability to branch their experiences, allowing users to make different choices when they return to the metaverse . This is among their numerous high-level goals for development, similar to the way The No-Man's Skywas advertised prior to its launch in 2016.
In addition aside from that, Reflect promises that Reflect team is claiming the memories of their users will be preserved in a metaverse that is interconnected which includes what they refer to as "advanced NPCs." The interconnected world is Reflects future ambition for the project, to create a living virtual world that draws from their collective memory of players to provide inspiration. We'll certainly pay the project's progress to see if they're capable of meeting the lofty expectations that the company has set for itself with this announcement.
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